When it comes to investing, it’s important to think about your objectives and tolerance for risk. Complete this questionnaire to help you assess your ability to tolerate volatility in your investments. When complete, you’ll see a sample asset allocation to help you get your investment strategy started.

Since your financial goals and objectives may change over time, complete the questionnaire often to see if changes may indicate a new asset allocation strategy. This questionnaire is for illustrative purposes only and does not serve as investment advice.

What is your current age?

What is your primary investment objective?

Approximately how many years do you expect to continue to invest your assets in the stock market?

Please rate your tolerance for investment risk.

How would you characterize the progress you’ve made accumulating sufficient assets for retirement:

Assume you are investing $10,000 and can choose from the five hypothetical portfolios shown. The dollar values for each portfolio represent two possible returns – low and high – after one year. Assuming there is an equal chance of achieving either result (low or high), indicate which portfolio represents the maximum risk/return trade-off you would be willing to accept.

If the market declined rapidly and your investment lost 25% in value, what would you do?

Please enter the text visible in the image below.