Happy Birthday to…

Did you know that August is the most common birth month? What’s more, August is the birth month for Social Security. In fact, the Social Security Administration will be 89 years old in 2024 – that’s a lot of candles!

Take some time this quarter to learn about Social Security:

  1. Find out more about Social Security and how it’s calculated.
  2. Review your projected Social Security benefits. Visit ssa.gov to access your account. Keep in mind that the login credentials will be changing shortly. In the near future, you will need to login to your Social Security account by visiting login.gov or ID.me, so best to get started now!
  3. Think Social Security benefits aren’t important? Think again! Try our calculator and see how Social Security benefits can supplement your own retirement savings!
  4. Determining the best time to take Social Security benefits can be complicated. Work with your financial advisor to help you plan your approach. If you need a financial advisor, complete this form and we’ll help you get started.

If it’s your birthday this summer as well, enjoy! You are 1 year closer to retirement! Take a moment to celebrate you!

Plan Ahead

Fall is a common time for Open Enrollment. Get a head start on your planning by learning a bit more about benefits that may be available to you.

  • Are you part of a High-Deductible Health Plan or considering one in the new year? Be sure to participate in a Health Savings Account (HSA) to cover health costs now and in the future. Learn more with our infographic.
  • Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) provide tax savings for medical, childcare, and transportation expenses. Try our planning worksheet to determine how much to save for FSA and Daycare expenses and learn more about Transportation Savings Accounts.

Your employer may offer benefits that are new to you, take some time to review the information provided to you to start the new year off right.

Join us each quarter as we showcase timely content for your financial journey.